convention on the rights of persons with disabilities перевод
- Конвенция о правах инвалидов
- optional protocol to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: Факультативный протокол к Конвенции о правах людей с инвалидностью
- united nations' international day of persons with disabilities: Международный день инвалидов
- contest a persons rights: contest a person's rightsоспаривать чьи-л. права
- convention on the high seas перевод
- convention on the legal status of the caspian sea перевод
- convention on the marking of plastic explosives перевод
- convention on the participation of foreigners in public life at local level перевод
- convention on the reduction of statelessness перевод
- convention on the rights of the child перевод
- convention on the stamp laws in connection with bills of exchange and promissory notes перевод
- convention over configuration перевод
- convention people's party перевод
- convention on the participation of foreigners in public life at local level перевод
- convention on the reduction of statelessness перевод
- convention on the rights of the child перевод
- convention on the stamp laws in connection with bills of exchange and promissory notes перевод